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A master feeder structure is an investment fund arrangement commonly used in private equity and the hedge fund world. It consists of a "master fund" that pools capital from multiple "feeder funds”. Each feeder fund gathers investments from a specific group of investors, often differentiated by region, currency or investor type. The capital from these feeder funds is then aggregated in the master fund, where investment decisions are executed collectively.
This structure maintains the centralisation of investment processes and a single investment portfolio. Investors in feeder funds indirectly own a proportionate share of the master fund's assets and returns.
The master fund is the central entity where all investment activities occur, including buying and selling assets. It pools capital from multiple feeder funds and operates a single investment portfolio. The performance of the master fund directly impacts the returns of the feeder funds.
Feeder funds are individual investment vehicles that collect capital from specific groups of investors. They are tailored to different needs, often segmented by jurisdiction, currency or investor type. Each feeder fund invests its capital into the master fund, effectively owning a portion of the master fund's assets.
Access our thoughtfully diversified portfolios in a single investment, usually at lower minimums than our direct investments.
Access our thoughtfully diversified portfolios in a single investment, usually at lower minimums than our direct investments.
Access our thoughtfully diversified portfolios in a single investment, usually at lower minimums than our direct investments.
In a master feeder structure, one or more feeder funds connect to a single master fund. Each feeder fund raises capital from its investors and funnels this capital into the master fund. The master fund then uses this pooled capital to make investments in various assets.
The relationship between the feeder funds and the master fund is symbiotic. Feeder funds benefit from the centralised investment expertise and portfolio management of the master fund, while the master fund benefits from the aggregated capital provided by the feeder funds.
The structure enables tax optimisation by segregating investors into different feeder funds based on their tax jurisdiction. This can result in more favourable tax treatment for investors and avoid double taxation. For example:
Common variations include:
Compared to standalone funds or funds of funds (FoF), the master feeder structure enables managers to expand their investor base and lower barriers to entry for smaller investors.
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Moonfare utilises a master feeder structure to make private equity accessible to individual investors. It pools commitments from individual investors into Luxembourg-based feeder funds, which then invest directly into underlying target funds. This approach lowers the minimum investment threshold while ensuring secure management of investors' capital. Learn more at
The master feeder structure must comply with various regulations depending on the jurisdictions in which the feeder funds and master fund operate. Key areas of regulation include:
Fund managers must ensure compliance with all relevant regulations to avoid legal and financial penalties.
The master feeder structure is a versatile and efficient investment fund arrangement that allows for centralised management of capital while catering to diverse investor needs. Its benefits, including tax efficiency, cost savings and global reach, make it an attractive option for both investors and fund managers. However, complying with strict regulatory obligations is critical to successfully implementing and managing a master feeder structure. At Moonfare, this structure is used to democratise access to private market investment opportunities.
Our annual fund activity report shows how investors are reshaping their private market portfolios for the new reality.
Our annual fund activity report shows how investors are reshaping their private market portfolios for the new reality.
Our annual fund activity report shows how investors are reshaping their private market portfolios for the new reality.
Important notice: This content is for informational purposes only. Moonfare does not provide investment advice. You should not construe any information or other material provided as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. If you are unsure about anything, you should seek financial advice from an authorised advisor. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future returns. Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. Private equity is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Subject to eligibility. Please see
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