ESG Due Diligence Process
Exclusion & Inclusion Criteria
Monitoring and Stewardship
Governance, Accountability and Conflicts of Interest
Reviewing and Amending the Policy
1. Introduction
Moonfare GmbH, together with its affiliates, (together, “Moonfare” or the “Firm”) is a technology platform whose mission is to provide individual investors access to private markets. Most private investors have traditionally been excluded from the asset class, in particular from accessing top-tier managers, due to high barriers to entry. These include high minimum investment amounts, limited access to successful fund managers (“General Partners”, or “GPs”), and cumbersome operational and administrative processes. By fully digitalising the investor journey and pooling capital from multiple individual investors, Moonfare has been able to greatly lower the minimum investment amount and considerably improve investor experience. Since its inception in 2016, Moonfare has established a unique global market positioning, with presence in Europe, Asia and North America.
Responsible Investment (“RI”), which includes environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) considerations as well as impact investing, plays a central role in Moonfare's operating and investment philosophies. Moonfare believes that the full integration of RI factors in both its investment process and internal operations can lead to improved long-term, risk-adjusted returns for its clients.
The scope of this Responsible Investment Policy (“RI Policy” or the “Policy”) is approved by Moonfare’s Chief Investment Officer, implemented by the Moonfare Investment Committee (“Investment Committee"), and applied globally across the Firm. This RI Policy covers 100% of Moonfare’s assets under management (“AUM”) and is enforced from its original publication date.